—coaching for individuals

—longing for more clarity or peacefulness on what comes next?

Sometimes we get lost. We lose connection with what really matters to us. We live up to expectations. But what are we really longing for? Our days are filled with distractions and obligations. And before you know it, 20 years have passed.

—do you want

  • more passion?

  • more flow?

  • something else?

  • to maximise your potential?

  • invite happiness without the burden of perfection?

  • to become your own best friend?

  • grow your leadership skills?



—what coaching can do for you

As your coach, I look with you to see where your possibilities and powers are. What makes you want to get up in the morning? And I encourage you, at your pace, to go make it real. I’m your sparring partner, the safe harbour to go check in with, to go get motivation. Whatever happens, together we look at it and see how it can serve your learning and growth. Or how compassion can help you to be with what comes up for you.

—coaching provides support when you want:

  • to transition smoothly to the next phase,

  • to live your (secret) dream,

  • to live up to what matters to you,

  • to take a stand for what you feel is important,

  • to find out what makes you kick,

  • to live your life purpose,

  • to be a more present leader,

  • to feel happy without the burden of perfection.

Together we look at your longings. We listen to your heart. We see how you want to walk the path to more fulfilment, happiness and energy. If needed, we grow courage. And as a safe space, our relationship gives you the shelter to reflect and redirect if needed.