Knowing & daring to feel what get’s me up in the morning with a hunger to start the day, informs my choices in life. That’s why I left my work as a medical doctor and became a coach, trainer and mediator.
Feelings, thoughts or some form of bodily awarenesses are always there. Anything from unnoticed to overwhelming. From neutral to extreem. Moods, emotions, feelings. How do they influence our actions? They do or they don’t? I believe that when you know your inner experiences, you have more choice on how to act upon them. More awareness on how they affect our behavior. Which leads to more autonomy on how to navigate through life and work.
There is nothing particularly soft nor hard to that. It is called wisdom.
That’s why my work is about gaining awareness and thriving from there. Clarity on what drives us as an individual, as a team, as an organization. Using that knowledge as a fundament to build from. To make goals, dreams and longings more tangible, despite the circumstances. To let that focus determine daily reality.
Isabelle Cuppens
—what else?
A rainy Friday afternoon, cars splashing by. I stood there and looked at it. Coach, MD. That was the new sign on my doorbell. My heart was beating faster than normal and I was imagining how people would comment about it. It was in the small grey street were I used to live. The rain was drizzling on my shoulders but I felt light and excited. It took courage to do so. That was 10 years ago. Today I still smile when it crosses my mind.
Some more than 10 years ago I also became a mother. I have 3 lively children, no pets.
Life has given me the pleasure to play different alternating roles.
They are named: sister, daughter, dear friend, partner and artist.
I love to sing and be around beauty in nature, art and people.
(Family and emergency medicine)
Certified Coactive Coach ICF – PCC
Organisation and Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC™) Fundamentals
Certified Mediator
Non violent Communication
Deep Democracy lewisdeepdemocracy.com
Compassion trainer centerformsc.org
CTI Leadership program
Neuroscience KULeuven 2018-2019, at the faculty of Medicine
Bridging program psychologie VUB 2020 - ..
Actrice – De Kleine Academie